Titanium Spatula

Tired of embarrassing wrist fatigue when you’re cooking breakfast with your heavy mass-produced spatula? Ready to upgrade to the lightest race-weight bespoke spatula money can buy? Look no further than the Myth Cycles Titanium Spatula. Made with space-age titanium alloy formulated especially for cooking utensils and passenger aircraft, this spatula will increase your breakfast PR by at least 1%. Until now, only the top-tier fry cooks use technology this advanced to flip pancakes, but now you can too.

Weighing in at 65g it definitely might be the lightest spatula out there. The stem and blade are 6/4 titanium for a springy, yet compliant feel. The rivets holding the blade on are hammered copper. The handle is a Lutz Tool Co. file handle made in the USA. Each spatula has the Myth logo tactfully etched on the blade.

These are made in small batches and are only available while each batch lasts.

The webstore will be updated with current stock levels: Myth Webstore